Holiday Sugar Cookies

The holidays are upon us, which means baking aplenty! Every year during the holiday season I end up making dozens of cookies (last year I think the grand total was 13 dozen!!) and one of the biggest contributors is this holiday sugar cookies recipe which makes roughly 6 dozen cut-out cookies.

Holiday baking is typically my dad’s domain and I always fondly remember making cookies with him. Every year we make cut-out cookies, Russian tea cookies (or snowballs as we call them), chocolate drop cookies, Amish no-bakes, and a wide variety of other treats. But I think the one I always liked the most was this recipe and from making the dough to cutting out all the different shapes to decorating, this is one of the easiest recipes to do together as a family. Continue reading “Holiday Sugar Cookies”

Pineapple Upside Down Cake

Growing up I never particularly liked the traditional pineapple upside down cake my mom make. Then when I was a teenager she switched to this recipe, which uses crushed pineapple as opposed to the typical sliced pineapple rings. The texture is much more appealing to me — and the cup of brown sugar you mix in doesn’t hurt either! Continue reading “Pineapple Upside Down Cake”